First of all, thanks to everyone if you read yesterday's blog entry. Yes... I apologize for the fact that it was me venting! :) I have inherited my father's personality characteristic that when he gets worried, he gets upset! :) I'll never forget him coming home from work one day when I was 14, and I had just come home from purchasing a party dress for an upcoming dance with my boyfriend Billy, when Billy came over and broke up with me!! We were on my front steps when my dad walks up, and there's me crying. He asked what was the matter of course, and when I said that we were breaking up, he said right in front of Billy, "Good. I didn't like him anyways!" All in a pissed off manner! Of course at the time I was mortified, and mad at my dad for not being more sympathetic to my critical situation! Now, every time I think about it it makes me laugh. So, when I get worried about others, I tend to react in similar ways by just getting mad about the situation!! Anyways, thanks for the support, and sorry to dump my stress on my blogger friends!!
So... back to happier times where today my trusty ole bike and I went out for a ride! I was VERY excited about it because I've spent A LOT of time on my trainer of late, and of course much prefer riding outside. The temperature wasn't supposed to be too bad, but I had decided when it first got on my schedule that I'd be going NO MATTER what the weather was.
There's this cool little place about 30 minutes from my house called Columns Drive. It's literally the road of Columns Drive that is a 5 mile circle. At the end of it, it dead ends into the Chattahoochee National Park where a lot of Atlantans like to run next to the river. Doesn't have a so called bike lane, but the shoulder is SUPER wide, so it's just kind of become that. On almost any given day you see people of all ages and fitness levels out there riding in circles. Of course, you wouldn't want to go out there and ride high mileage. I think 2 hours is the most I've ever put in down there on the bike. But it's ideal for intervals. It's flat and you can push on one side and recover on the other! :)
That was the idea for today. Not to mention it makes for a great place for bricks. You just hop off and run!
Well today was more like a duathlon for me. My workout: to run 6 miles steady base run, then ride 20 miles (5 warm-up, 15 of LT intervals) and then hop off of the bike and do a 1 mile run working my way into my current goal pace.
I started off great! My run was good. Cold, but I was nicely bundled up, so it didn't really bother me. I ended up running more like 6.5 because the loops at the river are geared more towards being a 5k. I had surprisingly started on time!! (a rarity:), AND had even prepped all of my bike stuff before starting the initial run. By the time I got on the bike though, I was sweaty and the wind was CRAZY!!
There were two times that I thought, I am about to be blown off of this bike! I was FREEZING for that 5 mile warm-up. Of course once I started pushing it towards LT, I was producing enough body heat to keep me relatively warm. My issues were my toes and nose!! :)
Well during that ride when I was pushing into major wind, it reminded me of my first ride on that bike. It was right at almost a year ago! I bought it I believe on Feb. 8th, and I was SOOO excited!! It was my first tri-bike, and I thought it was Beautiful!!
Well of course the day after bringing it home, I wanted to take it for a spin!! The following day I took it over to the same place as today, Columns Drive, and rode for about 20 miles. It was different that riding a road bike, getting used to that feeling of being out on the aerobars :)! That particular day... was EXACTLY like today! It was freezing cold, and the wind was crazy that day as well. And there I was riding my brand new tri-bike for the very first time hoping to God that the wind didn't blow me over!! Not because I didn't want to get hurt, but because I didn't want to scratch it!! :)
Well, after a year of Ironman training on my beautiful blue carbon stead, it's got quite a few numbers of scratches on it. :) We've had some good times and some not so good rides together. But, I know it's crazy, but it's been there through it all with me, and I absolutely LOVE IT!!
So, I decided while I was out there today that it wasn't really bothering me that I couldn't feel my toes and that my nose was frozen yet running! It was me and my bike out there celebrating our first year together the way we first got to know each other!!
Some of you probably have personal emotions for your own bike, others may think I'm crazy, but either way... It's one of my FAVORITE things ever!!
Happy 1st Birthday Cervelo!!
K :)
Pictures of my new earring for the inquiring minds!!
(Ok, so I am not suggesting that I don't look like crap! I just figured this might be as good as it gets for a while :)!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Mine and My Cervelo's First Year Anniversary!!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 2:34 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Minding My Own Business
(One of America's Favorite Dys"FUN"ctional Families!)
Now, that is not to say that we're The Waltons either! :) Growing up in a large family for me meant no family dinners, busy schedules, not really knowing my older brother Bob as he went to college before my memory really begins, etc. We've also had our fair share of real-deal issues. Confrontations, financial struggles within the family, wedding drama, in-law drama, etc.
However, I've never really had to sit back and watch something that I had said my say about the situation and things weren't exactly working out as they should.
That's one issue with my family... we all tend to get involved! Even when it may not be the best idea. Everyone has good intentions. We care so much about each other that we get emotional and want to step in and make everything better.
As a mom I have complete and total control over what my kids do. And though they do things that I'm not happy about at times, I have the opportunity to deal out whatever consequence I see fit at that time to teach them the "right" way of handling things. Of course considering that my children are 3 and 4 the wrong-doings at this point tend to involve saying "poopie" to the point of driving me crazy, or throwing food, or something of that nature. :) And consequences are mostly losing toys, privleges, etc. So I have no idea what it is like to counsel one of my children and for them to make a decision contradictory to what I believe. They say as a parent, this is one of the hardest things to deal with. Learning to deal with the thought of, "I've taught them the best I can and now I can only be there to support them in the decisions they make as they are old enough to make those decisions on their own."
Well, I'm semi dealing with that now when it comes to my 18 year old niece. Unfortunately, she was one of the statics that ended up getting pregnant at the age of 16. Daddy is the first boyfriend she's ever had, and so she has extreme limited experience in the knowledge of whatelse may be out there. In addition to those already daunting issues, this all happened in the little town of Franklin, Georgia. It's mine and Adam's version of hell on earth!
Adam actually grew up there, and I lived there for awhile and that is how we met. It is a very small town. One of those places where everyone knows everyone else and everyone knows everyone elses' business! An unknowing person could drive through and think, "Ah... look at this cute little place. This sweet little community of people all coming together. Some type of Little House on the Prairie Situation!" They would be wrong!
That would all be true if people did what they did for the right reasons. Unfortunately, that tends to not be the case. Everyone is just being nosey. It's a competition of who's better than who. Now to be fair... maybe this is my opinion because I was an "Outsider." Literally termed just that. We moved there because my mother's family is seriously like 60 people large, and 95% of them live in that town!! They love it. It's what they know. But I was born near Atlanta, and "us city-folk" were just different and silly. So I had a lot of friends, and some great memories there, but never was quite accepted into the community as neither was the rest of my family. Ultimately, we moved back to the suburbs of Atlanta shortly before I graduated from High-School. Most teenage girls nightmare... was perfectly fine by me!
Ok.. so back to my niece..
Not a lot to do in Franklin, so kids seem to get in a lot of trouble. Everyone thinks it's the perfect place to raise kids. But I must say that I grew up around things that my friends in the city had never come near! What do you do on a Friday night in the middle of a corn field???
However, it's not that unusual to get married right out of high school. Of course high school pregnancy is taboo, but the natural solution to my niece's issue was for her to marry the Daddy and live a "normal" life. Adam and I and several of my other family members were NOT in favor of this. But, my sister was adamant about supporting her, which we all did of course, and so married she became.
Well.... needless to say, it didn't take long for the "fun" aspect of being married to wear off. That happens to solid marriages when you have babies, much less with a 19 and 17 year old. My niece goes to tech school part-time and takes care of the baby while he works full-time to support them. The "plan" is that when she graduates and gets a job as an ultrasound tech., he'll pursue his college career to become a teacher.
Here's the problem... does a 20 year old "boy" (and I use that term in its most literal sense) want to be at home with his young wife and fussy baby after working all day when his other 20 year old friends are all hanging out at buddy #1's college apartment playing xbox? Typically not. On top of that these kids don't even know who they really are. They've since discovered that they are two totally different people who want completely different things in life. I think they described it as, "he/she is not the type of person who I would have ended up with in the long run." So why's it ok for you guys to be fooling around in the first place, right? :)
Anyways, so after the sweet, fun stage ended, marriage life wasn't so cool anymore. A reality for adults, an even more reality for teenagers. They're kids trying to deal with issues that they are SO not ready for nor mature enough to handle.
My family and I have intervened/supported a couple of times not to far in the past as he's left her a couple of times, and so I've tried to be there to support her. My opinion honestly, I think they should cut their loses.. I know that may not be right. I am definitely NOT a supporter of divorce. I truly believe if two people commit to each other they should do everything they can to stick it out through, "better or worse." But this is not your typical situation, and I just foresee the next several years of unnecessary hardship.
Well, so far they're sticking it out, but now his mother is getting involved. She marched herself over to their house last night with her ex-husband, and ex-live-in boyfriend to proclaim her dissatisfaction with my niece. She's made it very clear that she thinks he should leave her because it's her responsibility to keep the house clean, pick up after him, take care of the baby, the house and everything else. Sound like that 1960's catalog I mentioned in a previous blog? He said he wouldn't leave her, but wants my niece to allow her to come over and fix their house up and then come over for regular house inspections (they live in one of her houses)!!! I of course was like WTF!! I would have told Adam's mother to go $%&* herself, and if Adam wasn't on board, he could to. My nieces solution is to move out. Sounds logical, but her husband doesn't support that.
So here is a woman currently dating two guys. One of which she just divorced, which makes her 3rd divorce, bitching my niece out for not being a good wife????????
I want sooooo badly to call this woman up and put her in her place. BUT... I am not sure this is the "right" thing to do?? I try so hard to counsel my niece simply to stand up for herself. She's not a freaking doormat, and doesn't have to sit there and be reprimanded in that way, but she just doesn't have it in her.
So here's the issue.... do I sit back and let her learn the hard way?? Do I even have a choice??
I HATE this! I just don't get why she doesn't get it!!
My conclusion... this is one of those moments where I am so grateful that my kids are little! :)
I'll keep you posted about what happens. I just keep praying for the best!
Until then...
K :)
Posted by Kellye Mills at 7:03 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
High Maintenance
When I was with my niece this weekend she made a comment about me being High Maintenance!
I was like... WHAT??? Give me ONE example, and she couldn't name one! She said she couldn't describe it, I just was.
Well, I wasn't pissed at her or anything, but it did make me think. So this morning I asked Adam if he thought I was High Maintenance. Without as much as a second to think he quickly responded in a laughing tone... YES!
Again, give me an example... He said that I require time. Time from him to help me in maintaining the busy life I lead.
Now I don't know what you would describe as high maintenance, but when I think of the word I think of Gabrielle from Desperate Housewives. She's demanding and self-centered. She has high expectations and wants those expectations to be met by others.
Now don't get me wrong, I have high expectations myself. Both of myself and of others. By others I mean that I expect the people that I invest myself in with a relationship to be apart of that relationship as well. I had a friend back in college that apparently had some issues of her own. After giving and giving, you finally just get to a point that there's nothing left to give without receiving something in return. So that is what I mean by expectations of others.
As far as having my own life expectations met, I feel that I do that pretty much on my own. I knew it wouldn't be easy training for an Ironman with two toddlers and a husband that has a demanding job while trying to work from home as well. I also didn't expect for my entire family's lives to be totally disregarded while I went out and did my thing. Now, I realize that there were times when the schedule was a little tough, but I ALWAYS tried to balance it out in the end! :)
So as far as I'm concerned, I'm the type of person that if I want something... I find a way to make it happen. I would describe it as RESOURCEFUL! :)
(Now Gracie should be in the dictionary next to High Maintenance! She wants what she demands and expects it IMMEDIATELY! Even if she doesn't even know what she really wants, you better get it for her SUPER FAST! This is her first "race". I carried her the whole way! :)
Is that bad??? Is that what would be considered High Maintenance??
Yes...I again expect a lot from my husband. He helps clean the house, take care of the kids, and does many things that other husbands may not. And though I 100% appreciate everything he does and has done for me, I don't think asking him or others to help me out so that I can lead a life of my own isn't being High Maintenance. Especially when its important to me to give as much as I receive.So if you think of a person that is low maintenance, what type of a person is that? I mean is the fact that I am a mother with the primary responsibility being to take care of my children AND I also involve myself in my own personal activities what puts me in this High Maintenance category?
A lot of the husbands in my neighborhood play golf a lot. 18 holes of golf takes anywhere from 4-6 hours. Do that a couple of times a week, and that's about my training schedule. However, rarely do you hear of a man who works a full-time job and plays golf after work once a week and once on the weekend described as being high maintenance as his wife stays home with the children 24 hours a day!!
Sorry... I don't mean to come across as angry. I'm honestly not. I've struggled with it for awhile now, because at least around here, what I do is out of the ordinary. I'm the "different" mom with her triathlon. Maybe it's because I'm not a professional that makes it more ridiculous to others? Maybe it's because the majority of people out there have no idea why someone would WANT to swim 2.4miles, bike 112, and run 26.2 after they've trained endless hours for almost a year for that event??
I'm not really sure. One thing I know is that I am a MUCH better mother BECAUSE I have the opportunity to have my "thing"! Not to mention the fact that what the outside world doesn't see is the sacrifices I'm willing to make to achieve my goals, i.e. get up at 5am to workout, do most of my training while the kids are in school, etc.
So, if being that "kind" of person makes me High Maintenance, well then I guess I'm ok with that! Here's to enjoying my children 100% while they grow up, but not being completely lost 20 years from now when I still have a life beyond my children! :)
Until Next Time...
K :)
Disclaimer: I swear this message was NOT meant to be angry or in anyway offensive :) I just wanted to be sure as you read the post you see the little smile on my face and don't read it with a negative tone, because that was not my intent. If need be... Please re-read appropriately! :)
Posted by Kellye Mills at 2:36 PM 8 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
A "Day Off"!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 8:04 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Weekend of Date Nights, Movies, Piercings and More!
This weekend has been so busy for us, that I have barely had time to check my email! So here's what we did in as small as a nutshell that I can put it! :)



Posted by Kellye Mills at 5:36 PM 5 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It is Official... I'm BROKE!!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 5:51 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Lessons Learned
Posted by Kellye Mills at 3:26 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Holding Steady and Pushing Your Max!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 10:52 AM 6 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Constant Reevaluation :)
Posted by Kellye Mills at 9:38 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
"Gearing" Up!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 9:56 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Addicted to Technology!!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 7:02 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Never Underestimate the Kindness of Others
I've admitted my love of magazines, and my need to flush them out as often as possible. Well not so much anymore, but I used to tear out the pages of stuff that I wanted to look up on the Internet or if there was a cool birthday cake idea for the kids or just anything like that. I had this folder that I would keep the magazine clippings in. I even collected inspirational ads or pictures that I thought had cool quotes on it that would relate to training or life in general.

I always loved it, so as you can see, I held onto the ad!
Well a week ago, I was in physical therapy doing my shoulder exercises when I saw this woman walk in with this yellow Russell Athletic Sweatshirt. I looked at it closely only to realize... IT WAS MY SWEATSHIRT!!
I had NEVER seen it before! Of course I'm staring at this woman, and she smiles and says hello. When I finish what I'm doing, I head over and ask her where she got the sweatshirt. Her husband works for Russell Athletics and brings all kinds of stuff home to her and their family. Well, I tell her that I'm sorry for staring, and explain my love affair with the sweatshirt. Turns out it was more of a promotional thing, hence the reason we could never find it.
She kindly offers to have her husband look to see if he can locate one for me. I told her that that was very sweet, but that I did not mean to ask her or her husband to continue my LONG search :) We left it with she'll see what she could do, and that was that. I of course call Adam immediately after leaving the office and tell him that I saw the infamous sweatshirt, and we're both amazed.
Fast forward to exactly one week later. Tonight, I'm in the physical therapy office once again, and apparently she is on the same schedule as well. She came in tonight and explained to me that her husband was NOT able to locate the sweatshirt, which is what I expected considering that it is AT LEAST 8 years old!! However, she brought me her sweatshirt and gave it to me!!
I was completely amazed!! I told her that she did not need to do that. I didn't want to ask this stranger to give me her clothing! But she explained that she wasn't attached to it, and she knew how much I wanted one, and told me to take it!! I couldn't believe it. She was worried I would not want a USED sweatshirt, but of course I did not mind. I mean now it is so much more special. Not only is it the sweatshirt that I've waited 8 WHOLE YEARS to get, it is gently worn just perfectly, and I have this constant reminder of how absolutely kind other people can be.
I mean this woman literally almost gave me the shirt of her back. A woman I had never met before, all because she recognized my senseless love for it.
This magnificent sweatshirt is sooo much more than just a sweatshirt to me now. It is a treasure that I will hold onto forever!!

Pay it forward! :)
Posted by Kellye Mills at 10:24 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Perfect Snow!
Living in Georgia means not much snow. I have several memories of playing in the snow throughout growing up, but the only "major" snow we've ever had that I can remember was in 1993 when we were snowed in for 5 days!!
Since then, I think we had some accumulation in 2000 and a tiny bit in 2002 and 2004. That means that the only snow my children have ever seen is when Cooper was 9 months old, and I'm guessing that doesn't really count!



Posted by Kellye Mills at 1:00 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Next American Idol Judge!!
Yes, we all know who Randy, Paula, and Simon are! And yes, I will admit that I am an American Idol follower. :) It's funny, not really because of the music necessarily. A friend of mine said he didn't care for it because he didn't like the people's c.d.s that would come out afterwards. I don't necessarily either, but the show itself is awesome!! American Idol, Survivor, and The Amazing Race are my reality t.v. shows and I'm not ashamed!

Posted by Kellye Mills at 10:45 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My Number 1 Sponsor!
I realized the other day that I didn't have one picture on my blog of Adam! You know, the guy that I've been with since I was 15 years old, going on 14 years now! The guy that has stuck with me through fat Kellye, workout Kellye, disordered eating Kellye, College Kellye, Teacher Kellye, Mom Kellye, Neurotic Kellye, Triathlete Kellye, etc., etc...!



Posted by Kellye Mills at 11:49 AM 8 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Plauge on My House!!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 12:25 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Moving, Royal Straights, and VO2 max....
Posted by Kellye Mills at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I WILL NOT Become My Mother! :)
I think a lot of people may joke about this :) Honestly, I must say that my mother is an amazing person! There are a TON of things about her that I would LOVE to be described as! She is one of the most thoughtful and caring people I've ever known. She has genuine concern for others, and she really does put everyone else's needs first. She actually has a reputation for letting people run over her because she always sees the good in people and won't even realize when it is happening! My sister and I have to be the ones to step in and tell her to tell those people......!





Posted by Kellye Mills at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A $$$ Update!!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 3:07 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
2008 Race Schedule (Knock on Wood!)

Posted by Kellye Mills at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Challenge #2: NOT Breaking the Bank!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 7:56 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Results and Conclusions!!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 9:02 PM 4 comments
My Pedometer Challenge!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Murphy's Law :)
Posted by Kellye Mills at 7:59 AM 1 comments