We finally got our Christmas pictures ordered, addressed, stamped, and in the mail. Now everyone is talking about how much my munchkins have grown! I looked at last year's picture, and I thought I was going to cry. My babies are turning into little people!
You always hear from parents to enjoy the little years because they go by so fast. Well, not only is that completely true, but I swear the years are getting faster and faster! When we first had Cooper, he was my entire life. Our days revolved around feedings, walks, and playtime at Gymboree. Then before we knew it, when Cooper was just 8 WEEKS OLD (YIKES!!) we learned that there was another one on the way!
No big deal, right? Adam and I used to say, "If you have one in diapers, you might as well have two." Uh, let me just say... NOT the case. :) Things weren't really all that bad when they were tiny babies. It hasn't been until the past year or so that them being 11 months apart has really shown it's true colors! It seems that they're either being REALLY loud and hyped up fighting or the same but just in cahoots with each other getting into anything and everything they are not supposed to do!!

Well despite the massive amounts of energy they require, they are my little set of Irish Twins, and I love them more than anything ever!! And what is so sad is that the older they get, the busier they get with pre-school, friends, t-ball and dance, and time just goes by that much more quickly! Throw on top of that the fact that Adam and I have always truly believed in each of us holding onto our own identities as adults with our own busy schedules and you end up with an entire year seeming to flash before your eyes.

That is why we all know how absolutely important it is to try to cherish every single memory with them that we can. I feel even with all of the Ironman training I did this year that I really did try to make that a priority. Sometimes the laundry just didn't get done so that I could read them a bedtime story or play a game of red light/green light, and I am more than ok with that. Next year, if even less of that kind of stuff gets done so I can make even more memories with them, than to me that will be a sign of success!!

So in my trip down 2007 picture memory lane, I chose some of my favorites to share. I hope you enjoy!
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