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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Real Troupers!

I've made a special point to thank a lot of people who help support me in my triathlon endeavours! Or, as I like to call them... Team Kellye!!

There's Adam of course! He helps out with the kids. Supports me emotionally and financially. And is one of the loudest out there yelling for me at all times!!

My family. My mom always supporting me and helping out!

PT Solutions for being seriously one of the best sponsors ever!

My friends and team mates for training with me and keeping me motivated!

Blogger world... seriously...you guys are GREAT! It's like our own little personal cheering squad!

My coach... Jen is amazing in oh so many ways!! Love her!

And all kinds of others out there that I love dearly!

But two people that I'm not sure I've ever really formally thanked who deserve quite a bit... my kiddos!

I mean I went from being at home with them constantly to all of these long rides and such. They are the ones that stand out in the heat chasing to find me during races... something that they honestly don't understand or care about yet. They let me go for my long training sessions and stay behind with friends or family and relatively behave themselves! :)

Today, I took them to the track for the very first time, and I have to say they were amazing. I wasn't sure how it would go. I had two track options. One is at a local high school, but I thought that would not be the best place. Though they would have been entertained because there are kids to watch practicing football and more stuff there to look at. That's just stuff/people for them to get in the way with and break.

Option 2 is a local community track that there is certainly nothing there for them to break... but that's the problem... there's nothing there. I brought along their little scooters, some books and some video games. But of course none of that was appealing. There is a playground, but unfortunately its a little too far away for me to have felt comfortable with them playing there. So that just made them even that much MORE of great kids because they actually didn't sneak off over there to that very enticing place!

At first they were going to run with me. That lasted all of 1/4 of a loop. It was a little shaky at first when the first several loops Gracie kept having me stop to give her hugs and kisses, but we finally settled on high-fives as I went by and things were good. I did a total of almost 6 miles there while they played near a drain! They followed all of the rules. Behaved and got along with each other, and put up with me finishing my workout even though they were hot and ready to go home!

So this thank you goes out to my Coop and Grace!! They won the big award today, and I'm super proud of them for all of the love and support that they give me at all times, unconditionally!!


:) said...

Aw....kids are awesome. One of our local tracks (more like a concrete trail) has a playground right in the center that my son plays on. I can see him pretty much every second that I am running.

Jerome Harrison said...

Oh, isn't that the TRUTH!! Your kids are great, Kellye. I hear ya. From a very young age, I would tell the kids I was in the basement IF I wasn't in the kitchen (where I work) OR in my bedroom. So, from a very early age they would just come down, say HI and then play..all while I rode on my Computrainer. Just amazing...now at 6 they are pretty self- sufficient, but just yesterday I was on my CT and they got their own breakfasts and played until I got off the bike. :) YEAH !! Jen H.

Jen said...

Isn't is fun bringing them along? This summer I have been brining Ryan (3) with me for my swim workouts...he says,"Mom, my being good - right?" He knows that if he is good I'll get him a treat afterwards :)

Paul said...

That is the coolest. I so can't wait to go running with my little boy.

BreeWee said...

Kids are so cool! GREAT post Kel! I need to thank Kainoa... they put up with us tri-mos a lot!

I was just telling Kate that I think you, Rach, Jen, and some of the other tri-moms should get together for a moms training camp! It would be so much fun if we all lived near each other and the kids could all pal around while the moms are MIA for a few hours every day!
Enjoy your weekend!

kerrie said...

it really does take a lot of people to help us do what we love, doesn't it? i haven't dared take lucie to the track yet but rain loved it from a very young age and quickly learned proper track etiquette ;). it certainly does help to have cooperative kids who love what their mommy does!!!

Eileen Swanson said...

So cool Kell, love this. Your kids are awesome! I dont have a 'real' kid yet, but our kid is pretty cool with our tri stuff ;-) The best part is how the trainer puts her to sleep and when we do core, she comes up and licks our faces ;-) HA!

Have a great weekend!