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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Repeat After Me: "Recover... Recover... Recover!"

That is my mantra for the next 7 days!!

As my last post described, I've been a little run-down lately. I mean we all know that that's kind of the goal with that final build up to race.

And though I've made some serious changes in my life to help take the edge off, it technically won't go into effect until this next Tuesday.

So I guess you could say that my life started catching up with me this week! :)

Jen and I had to switch my schedule around for the week a bit since my bike left me yesterday. So I ended up getting up early on Thursday and heading out for my "long" workout for the week. I mean it was only a little over 2 hours, but I generally do that stuff on the weekends. Then with this being the last week of school, we've had party, after party, after party. I've been trying to finish up things at the restaurant and as usual running around like crazy! :)

I decided to take the kids to the pool on Thursday afternoon. It opened this week for the season, and I've been promising to take them. We didn't have anything else going on... so off we went! This year is actually going to be not so bad as the kids are a lot more independent. But I still have to be right there and wasn't really sure how it would go, so I followed them around the entire time. And we have a really awesome neighborhood pool. It's got 2 of those big slides and it's something over 2 acres or something, so it's not as if I just parked myself on a lounge chair and chilled out the whole time! :)

Well the kids haven't been sleeping well this week. Which of course means that I haven't either. Up and Down all night long. Gracie needs more juice.... She wet the bed one night which of course required a full bed change and a change of clothes for her... Cooper and her climb in bed with me and then I can't sleep so I have to move them back. If you're a parent, you probably know EXACTLY what I mean or have some secret that the rest of us don't know about! :) So I think after several nights of not sleeping well it just finally caught up with me in the form of exhaustion. And when I get exhausted, I get nauseous. I know it's kind of weird, but it's just what happens.

So finally Thursday night after being up already 4 times before 2am, I got to feeling super nauseated and was up for the rest of the night wishing I would throw up again! Of course this meant yesterday I felt soooo super tired and kind of weak and UGH... So I had to call Jen and she told me to take the day off. I tried to get as much rest as possible but with it being the last day of school we had 1 party, and 2 separate graduation ceremonies to go to. Plus you know I won't skip my physical therapy anymore! But I did manage to get in a nap, and slept late this morning, so I'm feeling better.

So despite that this is Memorial Day weekend and we have 2 different parties to go to.... my house is seriously a disaster and needs to be cleaned.... I have no kidding like 10 loads of laundry to deal with and pack my stuff plus everything my kids need to go stay with Grandma Peggy for the week.... I have a birthday party today and a few workouts to take care of.... I MUST RELAX AND RECOVER!!

And in keeping with my total lack of mind theme from yesterday... I shipped my bike off yesterday without putting any sort of identification on it. Ha ha ha!! I had to email Bike Works yesterday and tell them that the unmarked box with the 48 cm cervelo in it is mine and please don't send it away or sell it!! :)

So if you're a neighbor of mine and don't know why I'm once again leaving the party early or you come to my house to discover that there are toys everywhere and dishes in the sink and dust bunnies on my floor.... I'm sorry... I MUST RECOVER!!

What's funny is I can probably guarantee you that in a month from now when I don't have any of this stuff going on, I'll be writing about how bored I am... :)

Let's hope not!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone! Be safe and travel well!!
K :)


Mel said...

Happy Recovery to you...that is if it is possible..seems like you have way too much going on to recover :) I had to laugh about the kids sneaking into your bed..mine does the samething..so there I lay awake until they go back to sleep and then have to take them back to their beds :)

House work is never-ending...I stayed up until 1 a.m. cleaning and I have a 3 hour ride today and a run after..so I know I will be draggin..but trying to fit it all in!!! SO go to Hawaii and lay on the beach and put your feet up and REST :) RECOVER!!!!

Marit C-L said...

Okay Kellye Kellye - ALMOST game time! :) Hang in there - just a few more days! First - do NOT worry about the house. It will always be chaotic... trust me. :) Second - your kids will love you no matter what - even if you let them sleep in the "big bed" or throw up everywhere. Third - you get to enjoy a taper soon! Hooray about THAT!

Enjoy the weekend! I know it'll be a blast - and you will be SO READY for this race! I just know it! All of the hard work and training - is all paying off! You and your super bike "CE" will rock it out. You've got me, the hubby, and The House Monster in Pensacola cheering you on.... :)

kerrie said...

i could have written your post!!! i am working hard at getting myself recovered now and that is always the hardest part(at least for me). As for the clean house thing - my mom always said that a spotless house was the sign of a boring life! i couldn't agree more!

i'm so excited for your race in hawaii!!!

Wes said...

Have a great weekend, Kellye! I'm SO glad my kids are older now. I know exactly how you feel. I cannot sleep when they were sick! I worried about them so much.

FYI, I've been dying to come over and play in that pool :-) I've do the golf course, but never the pool. I think Matthew has though.

Get some rest and recovery!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I need to stop reading your blog b/c I worry!!! :))) heehee...get some rest, K! Man, you make ME tired and with twins running around and all, I never thought I would say that. :) Jen H.

Beth said...

Hey Kellye - happy recovery time!! Man when I was reading this post I kept thinking "having kids must mean LOTS of parties!!" :) But you have plenty of time and a nice long weekend to rest up. Hope you are feeling better soon. You WILL be ready to go come Hawaii time!!

Kevin said...

Have a great weekend. As hard as it may be try to rest up so you can have a great race. Try and get some sleep

Brooke Myers said...

Take the recovery for what it is...You will be ready for Kona for sure and once you get out here it will all click in just so.

Enjoy the next couple of days and the Memorial weekend!

Anonymous said...

Recovering is easier said than done when you are a super-duper IronMom! Take the time to put your feet up and relax..it's almost go time!!! Safe travels!!

Steve Stenzel said...

Save the laundry for later - - - now, RECOVER!!!

BreeWee said...

Brooke works at Bike works every now and then and they sponsor me, plus her man is the one who is in charge of all the bikes SO don't worry about it! We will get it ready for you... Can I test ride it?? Just kidding...

See you soon!

Eileen Swanson said...

Rest up! I know so easy to say but so HARD to do. Lots of stuff to do around the house always! Geez, never ending huh? But you gotta just rest now and worry about it all when you get back. Focus on your race and have lots of fun! Best wishes for an awesome time in HI!