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Friday, November 30, 2007

Fit? By What Definition?

Adam and I decided to go over to Blanket's Creek and do a little Mountain Bike riding today while the kids were in school. We are lucky enough to live very close to another awesome park that is owned and maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers. It is several trails that wind through the woods and brush up against Lake Allatoona. It is a truly beautiful place. I have mostly ran the trails there in the past. They build LOTS of strength with all of the hills and jumping around to avoid rocks and stumps!

We've ridden together once before about a year ago when he was training for his first Mt. Bike race. I suggested that we do this because I'm supposed to be participating in fun activities that don't "seem" like exercise. I remembered it being a lot of fun last time. Perfect plan, right?

Well other than the fact that I saw my life flash before my eyes about 4 times before narrowly missing giant trees or miraculously avoiding a huge stump, it was fun. I should also mention that even in my "Ironman bask of glory", Adam and the trails completely kicked my ass!

I started out feeling good, but the first hill came, and I was immediately out of the saddle with my heart rate god only knows where! The next 4 + miles was me riding "too slow" as I tried to cautiously maneuver myself through narrow, bumpy paths.

It really was lots of fun, especially since I did kind of suck at it! It was just funny to see Adam, who rides this trail often, sailing in front of me. It goes to show you that being "fit" depends on what environment you happen to be in at the time :)

Running Scared

Getting sick of being sick, yesterday I decided to go for my 30 min run despite STILL not feeling well. The weather ended up being beautiful as it was chilly but nice and warm in the sun. I went to one of my favorite spots, Boling Park. It's this awesome little one mile loop way back behind Cherokee High School. It's smooth trails surrounded by a river and lots of wildlife. You have to be careful while your running that you don't collide with a squirrel, the giant bunny, or one of the many deer you see out there. I guess they have gotten used to the traffic :) Not to mention I've come to recognize the regulars that come out. I normally head out there in the morning times when the kids are in school and that tends to be prime time for some of the local retirees. They go out and do several loops of walking and we pass each other two times each loop and smile. VERY nice people :)

My run still feeling a bit sluggish, and my illness not quite gone from my body, I decided to keep it to just 30 min. I finished up and noticed that my left foot was sore. Immediately I'm thinking CRAP! I decide it's probably nothing and go about my day, and as the day progresses, it gets a little more sore. I keep thinking to myself that this can't be right! I've done everything that I'm supposed to. I hadn't even run in 4 days for being sick, and I kept it all nice and easy.

By night time when my foot was aching, I do my usual and sink into a slight panic mode :). What if something else is wrong?? What if I'm not ready to start running again?? All horrible thoughts to a person who depends on running for fitness, training, and pure mental sanity!

So being the "I want to handle this now" kind of person I am, I called Dr. Peebles office first thing this morning, 8am on the dot, to fill him in :) He returned my call before he even got started at 9 to assure me that everything was still fine. That this is common. Even though my muscle was "just bruised", he explained that it was pretty extensive. It of course takes time to recover from these types of things. All of this information that I already know, but you need someone you trust to explain it to you. He recommended keeping my runs to 30 min until my foot settles in and staying off of hills. He said it may continue to be sore for a little while longer, but I wouldn't re-injure my foot. That is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. I can deal with a little soreness if I know that I am not going to do anything to make it worse.

Injury is the worst word any athlete can ever hear. But Dr. Peebles is THE BEST!! He always makes me feel so much better. So I'll be back out at my Boling Park tomorrow with no pain in my face but happiness that I have the go-ahead to run!!

Happy Trails!!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tis the Cold Season!

So of course as soon as I get the go ahead from Dr. Peebles to start running, I go and get a nasty cold! I did run on Sunday, and it was awesome! My legs felt a little heavy, but I expected that. I didn't really feel well because I could feel an illness coming on, but it is so funny how amazing running can feel to a person that absolutely loves to do it despite how you may be feeling physically. What it does for your spirit can mean so much more!

Trying to do the "right thing", I haven't worked out since then. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting back into my workout routine. I should feel well enough tomorrow to do an easy run and maybe an easy swim. I've discovered in the past that if you wait until you're far enough along in your illness that you're on the recovery side of things and you do something easy, just getting your blood flowing and your lungs moving helps to finish things off!

You will hopefully notice that I finally posted my Ironman Video today!! The stupid thing never came through onto the ironman.com page, so I broke down and bought it. The one they give you is WAY cheesy :) I realize they want to give you something more than 20 seconds since they sell it for $20, but that was the only part that I really wanted. Fortunately, I have my own 24/7 on-call Nerd-Herd provider! This blog would be non-existent without Adam I swear! He helped me edit it, and then I uploaded it to youtube.com, and then he did his little html magic and WHALA!! There it is!! Perfect size and everything!! Again, the music is incredibly CHEESY!! I swear I did this Ironman this month and not in 1980, so bare with it, and I hope you enjoy!

I also added a couple of new links the other day. I took the kids to Java Jump. It's a new coffee/bounce house place in Canton, and it is AWESOME!! Coffee, Quality entertainment for the kids, good treats, and free WIFI, you just can't beat it!

Tomorrow I am headed to my Team Supporter's office, PT Solutions, to try on my 2008 triathlon uniform. They were an incredible supporter this past season, and I am so very proud to be part of the team again next year. I will update you as to what the awesome new look will be like next year!

Until then!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was a little different for me this year, but so much fun! I did something that I've never done before, which was to actually volunteer at a race. I've said it over and over again that it is something that I would like to do. However, I always end up racing them instead :) But with Ironman being only 3 weeks in the past, and my foot injury, running the half was not an option. So, my friend Mike recommended I volunteer this year to still have some sort of participation in the event. I thought it was a great way to give back to the racing community that I've been apart of for the past several months and cheer on my friends competing. In addition to that, you get an awesome embroidered hooded sweatshirt! How can you turn that down?!! So rain and all, I got up early and went to my post to support and direct traffic.

As expected, it ended up being so much fun! I cheered for like 4 hours! Adam's always told me how hard being a race fan is with all the searching, walking, standing, waiting, cheering, etc., but I've given him a hard time in the past. Well let me just say, it wasn't easy :) I didn't curse the rain because we need it so desperately, but I did get wet and cold to say the least! But to be out there encouraging so many different types of runners, was really amazing. And let me say, when I race in the future, I'll be sure to thank a volunteer. I always try to remember when I'm out there, but sometimes you get zoned. But it was so nice when people did, and SO many people did.

Everyone was in great spirits despite the rain, and I have to give those marathoners credit for getting out there and running 26.2 miles with not a ton of support. I also signed up to volunteer at the National Swim Competition next weekend, which should be awesome. I'll keep you posted on that!

The rest of the day went just as great. Came home and got in a good base ride on my trainer while finishing up the Thanksgiving Parade on t.v. It was my first time back on my bike since the race, and it was nice to "get back in the saddle again" :) Santa on t.v. was a big edition to the day as well.

From there it was on to the wonderful Franklin, GA for the Johnson Family Thanksgiving Dinner, which is always a blast. 20+ people running all over the place with dogs, kids, you name it. Tons of food and booze! What more can you ask for. And if you're like Gracie where you're thankful for your "Giant Pillow", making it back home for a good night's sleep at the end of a long day is the perfect way to end it all.

Well, off to my new obsession. Yes, I am officially addicted to Guitar Hero! My Nephew-in-law (if that is such a thing) was sweet enough to let me borrow his xbox 360 and guitar hero set for the next week. I become addicted to these games!!! Yes it's awesome, and no I'm not in high school, but you can't say anything unless you can play it and NOT love it.
So if you don't hear from me in a week, you know what I'll be doing. Let's just hope I don't trade in my tri-team for the aspiration of competing in the local guitar hero championship at the bars in Atlanta!

Until next time!


Monday, November 19, 2007

No More Boot!

The Boot is officially off today! I had my two week follow-up appointment this morning, and everything looks good. My foot is feeling much better! My shoes fit, and it is just slightly sore to walk. I taught class today for the first time in a month, and things are finally getting back to normal.

I have to admit it is kind of nice however having a little extra time. My house is actually clean :), and I've accomplished things that have been put off for a long time. I've spent a lot of time catching up on my board game skills with Cooper as well! The only funny thing about this blog is that when I finally have the time to keep up with something like this, it means I don't have anything going on to talk about, so bare with me :)

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is already here, which means the holiday season has officially begun! Like everyone, I LOVE Christmas! Gracie is seriously gearing up as she continues to get her "mail" each day that consists of catalogues from Pottery Barn Kids, Toys R Us, and Target. She spends days sorting through them pointing at all of the things that she and Cooper need. She even had us "read" a couple the other day as our bedtime story. Christmas should be VERY fun this year!

Tomorrow I start a new addition to my training/workout regime. It should be a positive addition...Yoga! I've taken classes before of course, but have never seemed to find time to fit it in on a regular basis. So, I finally bought a DVD for home that will hopefully enable me to do the types of workouts that I need (strength, flexibility, stress relief :) etc.) on my own time and develop a pattern of keeping it in my regular routine. It should be great as long as Cooper and Gracie let me do it without too many interruptions since there is no school this week. So I won't judge it until next week when I can have a "real" experience with it!

Well, I am wrapping up as Heroes, one of my favorite t.v. shows is on and our Tivo is acting up, so if I don't watch it now, there's no catching up later. That would not be ok :)

Until later...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Recovery: Essential But it Sucks!

I'm almost 2 weeks out from my Ironman race, and my foot is feeling MUCH better! I'm getting around the house pretty well without wearing that gigantic boot and without it swelling. I should be out of the boot all together by this coming Monday. That means I have this weekend to find all of my left shoes :)

Everything that you read involving running, cycling, or triathlon and many other sports puts great emphasis on recovery. Any coach that I've ever heard anything about/dealt with builds all programs around it. Whether your recovering daily through naps, taking a recovery week throughout your training or recovering during your off-season, it's a must to be incorporated into all programs. Every body needs rest as an opportunity to rebuild after the training and suffering we put it through. It is a well-known fact that strength is gained through recovery rather than the exercise itself.

I get it. I understand it. I make it a priority. But that doesn't take away from the fact that I hate it! Actually, a lot of people I know talk about how "rough" recovery time can be. I know it may sound silly, but when you take a body that is accustomed to roughly 20 hours a week of training and then bring it to almost a halt, it can be disturbing :)

Exercise is a HUGE stress reliever for me. I use it to mentally recover and let out some steam. So all during this training season, I dreaded recovery weeks to a certain extent. I knew I'd be grumpy, MORE tired, stressed and even kind of sore as my body absorbed all of the training and rebuilt to be stronger the next go-round.

Well, I'm less than 2 weeks into my big recovery of the season in which I've barely exercised. It hasn't helped that my foot has been injured, and I haven't been able to run, my main physical/mental release. You try to maintain a good attitude. I'm catching up on my magazines, time with my family, and "Kellye" time. But my body is still achy when I wake up in the morning, I'm exhausted, and I'm kind of on edge.

Again, I know that my body needs it, and I'm trying to relax and let it do it's thing so I'll be ready for 2008. Once I can run again in a couple of weeks, things should be looking a little brighter :) In the meantime, if you call me during the day and I'm sound asleep or I snap at you for absolutely nothing...I apologize in advance!!!

Until next time!
K :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Foot Injury Update!

Ok, so one of the main reasons behind the creation of this page is because I've talked/emailed a ton of people today about this already and thought this seemed more productive! For those of you who don't already know, I got my MRI results back today, and it was good news! As it turns out, the bone is not broken nor is the tendon torn. He said that when I twisted my foot on the reflector during the race that it stretched and bruised my muscle. Not so great for a muscle that had already been through quite a bit of mileage that day. Then when I continued to run on it for another 14 miles, it just continued to make it worse.

However, it is getting better already! I've now been in an aircast for a week and staying off of it has really helped. It is now finally back to my normal size square foot! I've been able to swim a little and rode a stationary bike very easily this past weekend. Dr. Peebles, wonderful Dr. from the Atlanta Foot and Ankle Center, said to continue to wear the cast for another week and then to wean myself out of it. I feel optimistic to the point that I should be running in a couple of weeks!

Thanks everyone for all of your thoughts and wishes!


So this is the first time I've even done anything like this! Adam has just recently converted me to gmail full-time about a year ago. For those of you that know me, computers aren't really my thing. But I've found myself keeping up with friends through their blogs and thought what a cool way to keep in touch with friends and family! Not to mention that we are constantly taking pictures of Cooper and Gracie that only people that we invite can view them. This way, anyone can take a look at how adorable they are :)

My life is super busy and yet not all that interesting. So this may be a failure waiting to happen. But I thought I'd give it a try and see how it goes.

Upcoming things to look for:
I'll post some photos from my recent Ironman Florida Race!
Put some recent photos of the Mills' Crew
I'll try to figure out how to add links and all that fancy stuff into this thing :) Adam is just going to love that I've done this because I'll be bugging the crap out of him from now on!

Until then!