Man... time is flying by so fast lately!

Man... time is flying by so fast lately!
Posted by Kellye Mills at 9:35 AM 5 comments
That's been the just of it lately!
This is Gracie as a flower! We also had to take pictures of her as a horse, pig, sheep, turkey, chicken, goat, donkey, etc... I'm just going to stick with the flower for this post!
She got all excited about the project we were going to do because I told her we were going to make a doll! That is what we did last year at least. As you can see, we did NOT make a doll. Instead, it was a bird feeder. You can see.... it's just not near as much fun as a doll! :)
This is one of my new favorite pictures of her! What makes it even better than the fact that I think it's beautiful of course, is that she is holding a pumpkin that I had to buy for her. The "free" ones weren't good enough! It needed to be a little bigger and we compromised on this one for $1.50. We'll buy our big pumpkins from the grocery store for $5, rather than paying $5/lb!
Cooper has a field trip tomorrow. Same sort of place except with a colonial spin on it I think, and I actually get to ride the bus this time! Haven't done that in awhile! I'll post pictures of those soon!
As far as fashion goes... I'm referring to my daughter! Look at this picture...
Notice anything? She's a giant compared to the other kids in her class! And no... she isn't the oldest. She has a March birthday, and the child is almost as tall as Cooper. I guess it's a good thing she is so into her fashion these days. Because if she keeps this up! She'll be a supermodel one day!
This picture is from the other day when she came into my room with the camera and suggested I take her picture because she "looked so pretty!"
This is what she actually wore to school today! Blue dress with purple hearts, purple, pink and white sparkly tights, and yellow jelly sandals. I didn't put up too much of a fight! She's 4 and can get away with it! Besides, SHE thought she looked sensational, and I thought she should be able to enjoy that!
FOOD... is going pretty well. I think I'm down a total of 4lbs, despite my few chocolate binge fests! :) I'm hopefully one pound away from where I was hoping to be for Clearwater with just a little less than 3 weeks to get it done. I say "hopefully" because you know how it is. One day the scale reads X, the next Y. You never know... you just have to go off of the consistency of it! That's what we must tell ourselves at least! :) Other than the high school fad diet attempts, this is the 3rd time I've made a specific effort to lose weight. The first was in college when I dropped all of my weight initially and the second was after having Gracie. There was no time to lose weight after Cooper! :) And I must say... it seems harder now! Not physically I don't think, but mentally. Ahhh, habits stick REALLY hard, especially as you get older! :)
Ah... and FALL! As much as I'm loving the cooler temperatures and not breaking a sweat walking to the bus stop everyday to get Cooper, I was not quite prepared for my Saturday early morning temperatures of hopping on the bike and it being somewhere in the 40's! OUCH!! And I'm a wuss when it comes to the colder temperatures. I was all decked out in my long-sleeves, gloves, tights, and socks and my toes were STILL completely numb the entire ride. It took about 10 min into my run before they no longer felt like bricks!
Well... that's about it for now! I'm so excited for Ironman Florida coming up, Clearwater, and I'm already planning out next year! I've signed on to head to Tuscon with my awesome Coach Jen in March! I'm already thinking, Crap... I've got to "train" for training camp so I don't get left behind! :)
Until later...K :)
Posted by Kellye Mills at 3:17 PM 2 comments
What does a girl do when she is having a "feeling sorry for herself" phase?
Posted by Kellye Mills at 8:42 PM 8 comments
Posted by Kellye Mills at 4:59 PM 11 comments
One Word...
Posted by Kellye Mills at 12:25 PM 7 comments